The Rollsizer Decapper will process 380ACP cases up to 308Win. The machine will remove the spent primers up to 3,600 cases per hour (if your casefeeder can keep up) and cases can be processed soiled. You can wet clean your cases afterwards, then rollsize your cases. This will save you a LOT of time in reloading.
With decapping soiled cases means you can wet clean your cases afterwards (including primer pockets) and this will improve your reloading press performance and reduce primer seating issues. The crud in the primer pockets is known to be a lead based material (Lead Styphenate) which has health implications and is also recognized as being a problem for automated press sensors (primer / ringer sensors).
You can mix some different cases together to decap them. Once decapped the cases can be wet cleaned. This makes the case identification and head stamps much easier to identify. (its also cleaner….).
The limitation on mixing cases is the height variation (to clear the drop tube), AND the size (it needs to fit inside the drop tube) AND ensuring the cases do not fit inside other cases. For example a 9mm case will fit inside a 40S&W case. Sorry we didn’t design the cases….
You can mix the following, 380ACP,9mm, 38S, 38SC, 357SIG. 223 and 300blk can be processed together, likewise 308, 243, 22-250, 6.5 Creedmore can be processed together.
The Decapper is supplied as standard with the following;
You will require a drop tube for the Decapper to work.
You can use the drop tubes from the Rollsizers (if you have one).
If not, you can order them here.
We strongly recommend you buy 2 or 3 spare sets of decapping pins these are a consumable and do break occasionally.
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