Mr.Bulletfeeder Gen 1/2 Bullet Dropper Thread-Extention

Double-Alpha Academy

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Latest reviews

24 Feb 2022
Looks good. Fits good and works as advertised. I have yet to have a problem with any 2AA product.
Rating: (5 of 5 Stars!)
John Auditore ***
2 May 2021
Puchased this this past March. While I haven't actually used it as yet, I did assemble it on my press to see how it would operate and observed that it does exactly what it was designed to do.
Rating: (5 of 5 Stars!)
Mike ***
22 Mar 2021
Works great when doing longer brass like 30-06. Gives you the extra height needed to set everything up.
Rating: (5 of 5 Stars!)


In response to customer’s requests, we are pleased to now offer this optional Threaded Extension to allow the Mr.Bulletfeeder dropper to be mounted higher above the toolhead for reloading very long cases like the 30-06 and 300 WinMag.

Should you need to lift the bullet dropper higher than the threads in the toolhead allow – thread this extension in first. Turn it down by hand to lock it against the top of the tool head, and then thread the Mr.Bulletfeeder dropper die into it. this will position the Dropper higher, solving the problem with those very long bullets.

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€5.00 Reward points
Important Note
€5.00 Reward points