Mark 7 Digital Powder Measure

Mark 7
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Uwe ***
11 Mar 2023
Running it on my Apex10 and very happy with it. Charges are absolutely accurate.
Rating: (5 of 5 Stars!)
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This powder measure is powered by a self-contained motor and includes powerful programming that ensures your caliber has the right powder profile needed given the machine speed.  Largely used for rifle calibers, this measure can store profiles that maximize the powder dropped given the speed that the machine is running. 

Contains powder hopper, powder measure assembly, powder measure electronics assembly, communications cable, and powder cable.

Can only be used on a Revolution or an Evolution PRO machine.

Compatible with the Apex 10 / Evo Mark 7 machines. 


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€5.00 Reward points
Important Note
€5.00 Reward points