DAA Premium Belt Security Loop

Double-Alpha Academy

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Ultime recensioni

Marco ***
8 Feb 2024
This is the third time I buy this product, but with a different color than the other times (I have 3 different weapons for IPSC practice and each of the weapons has its own set of equipment (belts, holsters and magazine holders, etc.) .).
I bought it because I liked the other (same) products.
Valutazione: (5 di 5 stelle!)
Marttin ***
19 Sep 2023
Not much to say about a procuct like this, same quality as the belt
Valutazione: (5 di 5 stelle!)
Pascal ***
16 Apr 2023
Does what it needs to do, simple and easy to handle, delivered very quickly
Valutazione: (5 di 5 stelle!)
Marco ***
10 Apr 2023
I have four of these products. They are very useful.
Very good product.
Product with good quality and good price.
I recommend.
Valutazione: (5 di 5 stelle!)
Jemain Arturo ***
7 Sep 2022
Excelente calidad ???? y muy funcional tiene buen agarre de los 2 cinturones, el interno y el externo, muy recomendable ????
Valutazione: (5 di 5 stelle!)
Cheryl ***
9 Aug 2019
There is no velcro on the inside of loop to keep it attached to the outer belt, therefore, when you take outer belt off, the loop falls off. Probably more of a problem for females and since I am one, it's a poor design in my opinion.
[DAA reply]: Once the inner and outer belts are worn - there...
Valutazione: (1 di 5 stelle!)
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Il DAA Premium Belt Security Loop è un accessorio resistente e gommoso progettato specificamente per assicurare il pezzo finale della tua cintura, impedendogli di agganciarsi e mantenendo la cintura saldamente in posizione durante l'uso. Questo garantisce l'assenza di spostamenti o movimenti, offrendo allo stesso tempo comfort e affidabilità ai tiratori sportivi.

  • Gommoso per comfort, resistenza e presa.
  • Assicura il pezzo finale della cintura.
  • Si adatta alle cinture DAA Premium e ad altre cinture standard.

Nuovi Prodotti

Nota importante
€5.00 Punti premio
Nota importante
€5.00 Punti premio