Combo: Perfect Practice and Thinking Practical Shooting

Caractéristiques principales

Perfect Practice
1 x Perfect Practice
 En stock
1 article(s)
Thinking Practical Shooting
1 x Thinking Practical Shooting
 En stock
1 article(s)
Prix ​​total
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$55.90 $50.32 $5.58
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$2.50 Points de récompense

Derniers avis

26 Feb 2015
"Perfect practice" est un guide essentiel pour le tireur débutant et pour ceux qui cherchent des idées pour améliorer la technique. Des exemples d'exercices bien pensés.
Notation: (5 sur 5 étoiles !)
10 Jul 2013
Both books have something to offer me who is new to the sport.

Like any sport that one falls in to there is often little training but lots of advice on the circuit - some good, some not.

These books offer me a way of getting some structure around training and thinking about the sport....
Notation: (4 sur 5 étoiles !)
Etienne ***
8 Feb 2013
Excellent books, a must read for all aspirant as well as experienced shooters!
Notation: (5 sur 5 étoiles !)
Stephen ***
13 Aug 2012
Saul has written the best books I have read on IPSC shooting.

Thinking Practical gives you a detailed run through the business behind becoming a better Practical Pistol shooter. I say behind because this is not a book filled with shooting technique, although there are some good ones mentioned,...
Notation: (5 sur 5 étoiles !)
16 Mar 2010
'Think practical' hat mich zuweilen sehr an Lanny Basshams 'With winning in mind' erinnert; ist aber keine bloße Kopie davon sondern vielmehr eine modernisierte Variante. Besonders wertvoll finde ich die vielen kleinen Detailinformationen, die speziell aufs IPSC ausgerichtet sind und aus Saul's...
Notation: (4 sur 5 étoiles !)
Ferenc ***
28 Nov 2009
I've order a few ago both of the books. I went trough on each chapter and I started to use the offered way on the range. It helped to develop my technique step by step without any external help. The improvement was immediately visible. The result is the 4th place of 16 on the last competition...
Notation: (5 sur 5 étoiles !)
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La description:

Obtenez les deux livres IPSC les plus vendus de Saul!

Pratique parfaite
Pensée de tir pratique

Le meilleur investissement que vous ferez jamais dans votre tir!

Normalement, vous paieriez 54,5 euros pour ces 2 titres. Obtenez-les ici pour seulement 49,5 euros!, Vous économisez 5 euros!

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$2.00 Points de récompense