Combo: Rollsizer - Automatic decapper, drop tube and decapping pins

Key features

Rollsizer - Automatic Decapper, base unit
1 x Rollsizer - Automatic Decapper, base unit
 Item in Stock | Usually dispatched within 24 hours
1 item(s)
Rollsizer - Drop Tube
1 x Rollsizer - Drop Tube
 Item in Stock | Usually dispatched within 24 hours
1 item(s)
Total Price:
 Item in Stock | Usually dispatched within 24 hours
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Latest reviews

RJ ***
11 Jul 2024
After breaking multiple pins (running 9mm), getting the machine running full speed took some troubleshooting. Using slow motion video I was able to see that running at high speed caused the case to tip forward and overshoot the drop hole, resulting in extra time being taken to drop down the hole...
Rating: (4 of 5 Stars!)
Eric ***
26 Jan 2024
Great product and runs well. Gets my decapping off of my case processor and allows me to de prime and then wet wash before roll sizing.
Rating: (5 of 5 Stars!)
John ***
24 Sep 2023
Hands down the best decapper on the market. I also have the Rollsizer. Owner Kevin is a stand up guy. He will answer any questions that you might have. Get one !
Rating: (5 of 5 Stars!)
Stephan Van ***
28 Aug 2023
I initially used the decapper die on my Dillon S1050 and the Apex-10, but it slowed down the process and regularly caused issues. I decided to modify the reloading process and plan in special decapping sessions using the automatic decapper prior to cleaning the brass, so the primer pockets are...
Rating: (3 of 5 Stars!)
Neil ***
23 Jan 2023
Love this Machine it is one of the best time savers I’ve ever had letting you clean your primer pockets thoroughly with dirty casings this saves you a lot of time it is well worth the money
Rating: (5 of 5 Stars!)
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The bundle includes:

  • 1x Rollsizer - Automatic Decapper, base unit
  • 1x Rollsizer Drop Tube
  • 5x Rollsizer Decapping Pins (1x Pack of 5)

Automatic Decapper

The Rollsizer Decapper will process 380ACP cases up to 308Win. The machine will remove the spent primers up to 3,600 cases per hour (if your casefeeder can keep up) and cases can be processed soiled.  You can wet clean your cases afterwards, then rollsize your cases. This will save you a LOT of time in reloading.

With decapping soiled cases means you can wet clean your cases afterwards (including primer pockets) and this will improve your reloading press performance and reduce primer seating issues. The crud in the primer pockets is known to be a lead based material (Lead Styphenate) which has health implications and is also recognized as being a problem for automated press sensors (primer / ringer sensors).

You can mix some different cases together to decap them. Once decapped the cases can be wet cleaned. This makes the case identification and head stamps much easier to identify. (its also cleaner….).

The limitation on mixing cases is the height variation (to clear the drop tube), AND the size (it needs to fit inside the drop tube) AND ensuring the cases do not fit inside other cases. For example a 9mm case will fit inside a 40S&W case.  Sorry we didn’t design the cases….

You can mix the following, 380ACP,9mm, 38S, 38SC, 357SIG. 223 and 300blk can be processed together, likewise 308, 243, 22-250, 6.5 Creedmore can be processed together.

The Decapper is supplied as standard with the following;

  1. Decapper base unit with a 24VDC motor, gearbox and decapping guides and rails
  2. Spare set of self-aligning pegs and spring.
  3. FW Arms decapper body, custom guide rod (plus spare guide rod), 3 x small pins, minor tools and locktite. The FW Arms decapping unit includes (as standard), a conversion (shuttle and spring) to run rifle cases through the Decapper.
  4. Feed hose and adaptor clip to connect to a Dillon casefeeder. (This is the same hose as supplied with the Rollsizers).
  5. Length of clear hose to connect to the primer discharge and case discharge. (Cut to suit).
  6. AC / DC power converter with variable speed control. The converter will be supplied with an Australian moulded plug (EU plug adaptor included). The power converter will operate off all power supplies between 100VAC >277VAC and will operate with 50hz or 60Hz frequency. The converter is IP67 rated and very high quality.
  7. Operation  and maintenance manual. Please read it thoroughly…. then read it again. A copy of the manual is available on the website. This is updated periodically.

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